Self Protective Psychology

Ashram or Monastery learn about insight meditation enlightenment. Self observation is pathway of complete transformation with escape from reincarnation.

Brother Bert Video Presentation on Self Protective Psychology Emotional Basis for Self Protective Psychology is Fear There are two choices in our fundamental attitude or approach to life. Which is to be open and vulnerable or closed and protected. When choosing the self protected approach. This will mean to live a self protective psychology pattern. …

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Meditation Leads To Better Mindfulness

Young people who discover the spiritual path early in life. Will find that insight meditation develops mindfulness is easier to implement with better results.

Meditation develops mindfulness, which is equal consideration for others in your being. It is demonstrated by thinking, feeling and actions in the present moment. It is an energy state of being that evolves quite naturally with insight meditation practice. When a meditator gains the ability to practice continuous meditation then he will find himself in the present moment all of the time. Consequently and quite naturally he will also gain the ability able to find present time solutions with present time problems more easily.

Personality Emotional Focus Creates Separation Consciousness

Humility is pathway of becoming completely free of psychic barriers. Which is completely opposite to the ghosting approach an apsect of duality consciousness.

Importantly the focus of the personality; is to view energy. In terms of how it impacts emotionally in particular. In common words this is called emotional sentimentality. Which means that the ego or personality; has an attached emotional level focus. Therefore the natural result of this approach is to chase; after what you like and find appealing. Conversely what you dislike or find unappealing; you then attack or run away from. Above all it is only the detached mental level focus. That will provide holistic solutions with serious spiritual development.

Insight Meditation is a dissolving process; which promotes or invokes the increased flow of energy from the Oversoul. It is an awareness focused to a point meditation technique. Which is the only way; to bring the full power of the Oversoul. Into your brain consciousness or being on the earth plane; in order to fully dissolve the resistance of ego. Learning the meditation technique is simple and easy. However the discipline of practice requires a little more effort.