Correct Quality Communication is the Basis for Harmony

Correct quality communication is seeing the truth about yourself as well as recognizing the platform or level the other person functions on.

The whole basis of correct quality communication with another person is founded upon the ability; of being able to see and understand the whole truth about yourself in the first place. Next it is necessary to be able to see and understand the level or platform; upon which the other person functions on. In addition it is also absolutely necessary to understand the language or words used; and their interpretative meanings for the person who is speaking with you. For example a common error is to place meanings upon words; that do not comply with the meanings that the other person speaking to us has applied to them.

Spiritual Entertainment or Spiritual Development for Change in Consciousness

Buddha Dhrama is the physics of spirituality. Learn about spiritual law at a Monastery or Ashram.

Choice between spiritual entertainment and serious spiritual development is the discipline; of applying the steps of purification to change energy state.
Spiritual entertainment does provide a very valuable service to the community; in that it brings the seeds of awareness.
First time you sit still to meditate is the first moment when the choice has been made to select against the ego or personality in order to promote your own evolution of spiritual consciousness!

Light on the Path Love Transcending Fear

Meditation induces the increased flow of energy from the over soul. Ultimately this will lead to release from reincarnation.

Light on the path of love enables correct discrimination between emotional sentimentality and spiritual love. Enlightened meditation is a conscious process of increasing soul energy flow. Energy follows thought to achieve energy state of enlightenment or nirvana. Light Path of Love Correct discrimination between emotional sentimentality and love is essential for a successful life. Since …

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Spiritual Science or Metaphysics is the Pure Science of Man

Insight meditation higher consciousness is a dissolving process. Inducing increased energy from over soul; reducing resistance to speed up spiritual evolution

Becoming a Spiritual Scientist When we meditate correctly then we will create an energy bubble; that will keep unwanted thought forms from our mind. Spiritual science metaphysics or Anthroposophy is the dharma, science or physics of spirituality. Which when practiced correctly enables spiritual growth to become a spiritual scientist. Lovers Dance Is a story that …

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Spiritual Wisdom Achieved with Energy Follows Thought

Spiritual wisdom is an energy state that is achieved by any meditator who follows same pathway to Nirvanic peace. As the Buddha revealed energy follows thought.

Energy Follows Thought Spiritual wisdom energy state is a demonstration that energy follows thought. Which is an energy state that reveals a high level of consciousness or frequency. Created with insight meditation practice. Consequently this leads to the ability to receive psychic insights. Spiritually Conscious energy state Psychic Insights Light is the Great Revealer Explains …

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Insight Meditation is a dissolving process; which promotes or invokes the increased flow of energy from the Oversoul. It is an awareness focused to a point meditation technique. Which is the only way; to bring the full power of the Oversoul. Into your brain consciousness or being on the earth plane; in order to fully dissolve the resistance of ego. Learning the meditation technique is simple and easy. However the discipline of practice requires a little more effort.