Essentially the human body is a salt solution; with an electrical current running through it. Which animates and gives it life. Significantly when an individual correctly understands the principles of purification. Then combined with the necessary discipline. To apply these principles correctly into the everyday living pattern. Then importantly this will lead to an uplifting clear magnetic field. As the aura reveals spiritual evolution. Confirmed by the physics of Ohm’s law.
Brother Bert Aura
When you present yourself as the pathway upon which others may walk. Then the standard requirement is to open yourself to complete scrutiny. These photos taken 12 months apart; reveal everything of value about me. These sequential aura photos, demonstrate how meditation changes the aura. With serious advanced meditation practice. The power of the oversoul quite literally takes over the expression of the Aura. It is important to keep in mind. That these significant relatively quick changes in the Aura. Can only occur when you have significant stage two deep meditation ability. Which is when the flow of energy from the oversoul. Is much stronger when compared with the earlier stages of meditation.
Pastel colouring Reveals a Greater Infusion of White Light
The third aura photo in particular demonstrates, a significant improvement in softer pastel coloring within the aura. By definition pastel colors are pale tones of colors. Made by mixing a significant amount of white into the original shade. This is a demonstration of a higher frequency. Which is my case is a direct consequence of advanced meditation ability. These aura photos are provided as facts based evidence. That proves meditation changes the aura.
This last Aura photo was taken with digital technology. Whereas the first three annual aura photos were taken with polaroid or photographic technology. This explains the difference in structural appearance. Certainly, it is a big improvement in the quality of the photograph. This Aura photo reveals a further strengthening of light intensity when compared with the photo taken the year before. The infusion of indigo and violet throughout the aura is the standard consequence for anyone who practices advanced seriously disciplined meditation. The white disc about the head is the beginnings of a halo. Which is the concentration of energy, the nimbus around the head. Also revealed in this aura photo is far less red when compared with the previous photos. Indicating an individual with a cooler response pattern personality as opposed to the more volatile or reactive pattern indicted with red.
Video Talking about the Aura
Dialogue of Video on the Aura
Greetings meditation students Brother Bert. Once more draws close so that in the piece of understanding we may all dwell. Today I would like to talk about the aura. The human body is like a wire with an electrical current passing through it. And thereby it needs to conform to the same physics law as Ohm’s law. In that voltage equals current multiplied by resistance. As current is increasing. Then resistance must be decreasing. And the strength and power of your aura is directly determined. By the power or strength of your electrical current passing through your body.
We assume that the voltage of the oversoul is constant. So with meditation we’re increasing energy. The human aura reveals the stage of your physical health. Your emotional mental health or your psychic pattern. Or your overall psychological health. It also reveals the stage of your spiritual evolution. It is possible to monitor a person’s spiritual evolution through sequential aura photos. Taken over a period of time. And this is the whole reason. Why I’ve placed my most recent Aura photos on the my website. As a physical proof that disciplined meditation changes the aura.
As I’ve said many times before. Insight meditation is the fast track to increasing energy and purifying cleansing your aura. And clearing it. So what are you waiting for? Get your aura photo taken today. And find out your starting point. And then in this way see where you need to go to progress your evolution further. Thank you bye bye for now.
Self protective Psychology
If you seek to create the best auric field. Then you will need to avoid living a self protective psychology. Consequently here is a Youtube video on self protective psychology.
Ohm’s Law a Demonstration Aura reveals Spiritual Status
This will lead to an efficient system of elimination of toxins and waste products of metabolism from the body. Accordingly this will delay the natural consequences of precipitation of excessive waste products within the body. Which is a process of sedimentation with freezing up or crystallization. Ohm’s law determines that when the flow of energy or electricity is increasing. Then the resistance must also be decreasing. When the voltage remains constant. With the flow of electricity through any wire. There is a magnetic field or aura.
Consequently the strength of the magnetic field you can directly determine. By the power of electricity or magnitude of the electrical current flowing through the wire. In other words the life span of the individual will be longer. With comparative relative freedom from the degenerative diseases. When any given individual implements the steps of purification. This applied understanding means. That our electrical current you can maintain. At optimum performance levels. Which you can see in the auric field of any individual.
Importantly the human aura is a composite result; for the combined influences of the physical, emotional and mental bodies. This means it not only reflects physical health but also psychological health. Additionally it will also reveal the spiritual status or frequency of being. More spiritually evolved individuals will usually display better physical and psychological health parameters.
Contraction of Ego or Expansion of Soul
The eternal choice in life for every entity; is between contraction of the ego or expansion of the soul. It is only when gaining maturity with serious meditation. Can an individual become consciously aware of their own unique stage of contraction. Which is spiritual status. Insight meditation is a dissolving meditation; that enables the invoking of greater amounts of energy from the Over soul. This is the pathway of progression from contraction into expansion in consciousness.
The timeless esoteric expression “as above so below”. Reveals that the flexibility and health of the physical body is an indication. For how well we are doing on an inner level. This is particularly so when viewing an older physical body in earthly years. Correspondingly this also represents a movement from reactive into responsive patterns of behaviour. Which is to become a more responsible human being. This also means that every person who successfully practices personal responsibility; is also a priest. Pointing or lighting the way for others who seek to escape the illusion.
Aura reveals Spiritual Status or Energy Resistance Balance
It is ego influence to contract and soul influence to expand. Which means that ego resistance slows down energy. While soul energy function is to speed up the flow of energy. Which in turn will lead to a lighter state of being with a higher frequency. Which means that the energy resistance balance determines the frequency or spiritual status of any given individual.
Insight meditation practice is the fastest way to speed up soul energy flow. Consequently, in this way it will dissolve resistance leading to a lighter energy state. Resulting in a more spiritually evolved person, who will display a brighter clearer aura. In simple words insight meditation is the fastest way to clear your aura on an energy level.
Many try to achieve spiritual development or personal growth. While taking their bad habits with them. Which is living the ego focused approach. Probably it is bad news for most to learn; that both legal and illegal substance abuse. Will degrade the quality and purity of the aura. Simply because poisoning the body leads to greater resistance. Which in turn will slow down energy leading to a courser, denser lower vibration. That you can see in the aura. As a duller yucky unpleasant less vibrate colour. Even to the point in some cases where the aura will display dark shadows. Beware of the slimy dark green colour within the aura that reveals dishonesty.
Aura Reveals Spiritual Evolution
This all leads us to realize that we are the sum total of all our energy choices. In other words there is a vibrational consequence. For every choice made in life. The more high energy choices that we make. Then the greater will be our achievements; on the pathway of aura reveals spiritual evolution evolution.
Open Sky
The open sky symbolizes how we all need to be. When we interact with our brothers. Importantly only in this way will we ever have any chance to escape the illusion. Which is the opposite to the psychological pattern or pathway of putting up psychic barriers. The creation of blind spots in the human psyche. Is in association with psychic barriers. Which is a sole creation of the ego to protect itself; that will keep out soul light illuminating the mind. This is the self-protection psychological pattern. Consequently, it is only ever the lower personality. That you are protecting in this way. Which means living within a self-imposed limitation or psychic prison.
Physical body is a Prison
Unfortunately, not until a person first realizes or becomes aware. That a physical body is in fact a prison. Which consequently requires seeking the key to release. Will there ever be any possibility of escape. Naturally we may all become aware in our consciousness. That the divine spark of divinity is the same within us all. Importantly this is the natural final conclusion energy state result with insight meditation practice. Which is an electrical dissolving process; that enables the moving onto finer levels of being in order to become free.
Being as open as the sky. Accordingly will create the strongest possible energy state. Which naturally means the strongest auric pattern or energy field. Why not enter an Ashram and clean up your aura today? All the while contemplating the beauty and wisdom of Ohm’s law; which enables the transition to freedom from illusion. Accordingly a more detailed explanation of Ohm’s law is available on the webpage “Electrical Basis of Meditation Speeds up Spiritual Evolution”.
Two Paths in Life
There are only two paths in life. Which is either the path to nowhere or the path to everywhere. Alternatively we may say the circle holding pattern path or the straight up path. Which is to fly above and beyond the limitations of the material plane of existence. Significantly, the only difference being in regard to the aspect of frequency or vibration. Fortunately, the aura reveals just how well we are doing. Therefore it is an easy monitoring system for our progress. Who is curious to find out? Why not have an aura photo today! And walk the path of spiritual evolution more determinedly.
Brother Bert’s Aura photo is available on the home page.
Aura Reveals Spiritual Evolution Photograph
Moore Than A Healing
Importantly the following information is from Moore than a Healing. Colours in your aura match the seven major chakras along the front of your body.
(Base – Red Sacral – Orange Solar Plexus – Yellow Heart – Green Throat – Blue Third Eye – Indigo Crown – Violet). There is also the colour white. Which is composite of all the other colours. It is a very spiritual & angelic energy. And Pink which signifies unconditional spiritual love and energy.
The first three chakras relate to physical reality, the heart is the link between the physical & spiritual. And the top three chakras relate to our spiritual energies. In summary all of the energies are necessary and valuable to a balanced, healthy, happy, connected life. Here is a link to the website MTAH.