How to Practice Anapana Technique for Enlightenment

Definition of Enlightened Physics Energy State

Advanced insight meditation enlightenment we will define to be the physics energy state. Where a meditator has achieved advanced meditating ability. Which means successfully dissolving all resistance. With its associated crystallization to become egoless. This is the final conclusion energy state. It is a self-observation process from the perspective of detachment. A focused to a point meditation technique; that enables stronger soul energy flows from the Oversoul. That eventually completely dissolves out all resistance. With advanced insight meditation ability, to achieve the enlightened energy state of nirvana.

Spiritual enlightenment meditation will increase life force or aura magnetic field. This is the pathway to achieving the enlightened energy state with nirvana.
Spiritual enlightenment meditation will increase life force or aura magnetic field. This is the pathway to achieving the enlightened energy state with nirvana.

Through this process the meditator comes to see himself clearly; which enables the clear seeing or perception of others. Above all no one can see the truth about another. Until first you face the truth in yourself; in the first place. In conclusion this will mean; achieving advanced insight meditation ability or maturity. As energy follows thought.

Video on How to Practice Anapana

How to Meditate to become Enlightened

Discipline of effort to achieve meditating proficiency; needs to be upon process and not results. Once the process is correct with the gaining of advanced meditation ability. Then we can guarantee the results are 100%. In other words we would say. That you need to always focus upon the next step; that is before you on the spiritual path.

20 to 30 years Continuous Meditation to Achieve Enlightened Energy State

However it is very important to realise. That the average meditator takes between 20 to 30 years of continuous meditation practice. To achieve very advanced insight meditation ability or maturity. It is a long and disciplined process. That requires a high level of commitment and tenacity; to be successful before your incarnation is over.

Insight Meditation Enlightenment begins Anapana meditation Technique

Insight Meditation is the conscious awareness process. Of bringing down a larger inflow of soul energy; from the over soul into your being on the earth plane. The net effect of this increased soul energy flow. Is to dissolve the crystallization of ego and expand the inter vertebral spaces of the spinal cord. Which then leads to a straightening and elongation of the spinal canal.

Due to the stronger energy you can restore the metabolic efficiency in your body. This is the only way to heal permanently; the medical condition of Migraine. This is in addition to every other degenerative disease as well. Meditation practiced correctly will eventually enable you to discover; directly the energy state of advanced insight meditation for yourself.

How to meditate for the enlightenment energy state, begins with practicing the anapana meditation technique. Which is just as the Buddha taught many years ago.
How to meditate for the enlightenment energy state, begins with practicing the anapana meditation technique. Which is just as the Buddha taught many years ago.

Anapana Meditation Proficiency is first step Pathway to becoming an Enlightened Being

An individual faces the truth about their self; with equanimous observation without craving or aversion. Where you focus your awareness; is where soul energy will flow more strongly. The method for practicing Insight Meditation begins with Anapana Meditation Technique. Which is like the glow plug on a diesel engine. Therefore this will warm up the engine; to where it will fire with Insight meditation becoming possible.

During the standard hour-long meditation period. You focus your awareness on the triangle of your nose tip with the upper lip. You focus on the awareness of your natural breath; with all the sensations that occur in this area only. Hence the purpose is to sharpen and discipline the mind. Thereby improving your degree of intensified energy sensitivity. Furthermore the longer you can hold your concentration on this area. Without any distracting thoughts; reveals how disciplined your mind has become.

Anapana maturity before practicing Insight Meditation Technique

After approximately 35 one hour meditation sessions practicing Anapana. Most people will have achieved Anapana maturity; and will be ready to practice insight meditation. The guideline for readiness; is to be able to maintain focused concentration. Far at least two minutes without any distracting thoughts. This is in addition to being able to feel subtle or auric sensations; over the whole of the triangle area.

Certainly it is usual during Anapana practice. To be able to feel subtle sensations over other parts of the body as well. However you do not allow the focus of your attention. To ever allow distraction from the meditation exercise!

Anapana Meditation Technique first step Advanced Insight Meditation Enlightenment

You are aware of these other sensations. But you do not focus on them while practicing to achieve the Anapana meditation proficiency. Make no mistake about it even with Anapana practice. You are promoting the speed up of soul energy flow within your being. Insight meditation proficiency begins with focusing your awareness; on the top of your head at the former baby soft spot.

Significantly if you feel some sparks the first time you try this? Then great as you are firmly away; towards the final goal of becoming insight meditation enlightened with nirvana. The first influx of soul energy is to purify. Hence nirvanic peace is an energy state. Created by the increased flow of energy from the over soul.

Importantly in passing we will mention that psychic barriers. Prevent psychic insights easily penetrating the mind. Above all the platform upon which an entity develops a greater awareness of what lies within. Is by detached observation of the self. To view all manifestation from the detached mental level. Without an emotional focus distorting perception in a way; which nurtures the ego? However in the beginning when the ego is strong. Detached mental level self-observation is not possible. And this is something that we need to accept.

Buddhist pilgrims meditate below Bodhi Tree. Where Buddha first attained enlightenment, Bodhgaya India. Seeking to achieve advanced meditation enlightenment.
Buddhist pilgrims meditate below Bodhi Tree. Where Buddha first attained enlightenment, Bodhgaya India. Seeking to achieve advanced meditation enlightenment.

Psychic Insights glimpses Spiritual Wisdom Energy State

In the beginning while the ego is strong. Emotional distortion will invariably occur and we need to recognize this. However you set up the process and over time the intuitive flashes presenting the holistic view do come. What we are describing here is a process of allowing greater soul light to gradually come down over time. The greater the soul light applied. The more illuminated is the mind. The wider the context seen on the mental level. The stronger the mind becomes to prevent emotional distortion. Of what the ego sees!

It is the emotional distortion and manipulation by the ego. Which keeps the entity entrapped in part or self, focused consciousness. The following is a good story, which demonstrates this principle. There once was a woman who chose to feel bitter resentment towards her husband. And she blamed him for every misfortune, which befell her. Why did she blame him so constantly, relentlessly and fiercely aggressively at times?

The answer is so simple because she chose not to be responsible for her life. It is easier to find fault with another; rather than face the truth within the self in the first place. Unfortunately this approach leads to remaining within illusion.

Advanced Spiritual Enlightenment Meditation Dissolves Ego

Every degenerative disease has ego resistance patterns associated with it. By their very nature they are reactive in the way they influence and sabotage your life. Which for most people is in an unconscious way. By comparison soul energy is cold resilient and flexible.

Advanced Insight Meditation Enlightenment Secrets achieve Nirvana

Advanced insight meditation ability we can define to be in achievement. After the successful dissolving of all the sediments surrounding the spinal column. Which results in a corrective straightening of the spine. That enables powerful currents of energy to flow; during spiritual enlightened meditation through your body from the over soul. This occurs towards the end of stage two; deep meditation level of capability or meditation maturity.

In summary of Insight Meditation ; it is the progressive bringing down of cooling soul energy. Which above all will then neutralizes these resistance points; eventually leading to the energy state of enlightenment or nirvana. This we can define to be the energy state of being free of resistance. Which means to have state of being that is free of reactive behaviour. Learn how to achieve advanced meditation ability with an enlightened energy state at an Ashram or meditation centre. This all begins begins by practicing the humble beginning of the anapana meditation technique.

How to Meditate for Advanced Insight Meditation Enlightenment

In conclusion only after complete dissolution of all defilements with advanced meditation ability. Does it become possible to live free of all the sins; as presented in the prayer of repentance. Therefore the expression of total and complete compassion; with loving grace is only achievable. After we have first reached a state of egolessness; which is an aspect of meditation over soul awareness.

Spiritual enlightenment meditation

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