An Ashram is a spiritual hermitage or monastery; which is where one goes for spiritual instruction. At the Ashram learn about meditation enlightenment; which is self observation on an energy level. This technique is a focused to a point serious meditation discipline. Which is in addition to learning about how life works or spiritual science. Serious Ashram meditation practice is a conscious awareness process; that achieves a structural transformation from unconscious into conscious.
Therefore it is a process that enables fourth dimensional awareness; a pathway of movement into a finer stronger energy vibration. This you will see quite naturally. As a stronger energy magnetic field or aura around your body. Above all on the footsteps of the Ashram or monastery; the querent or spiritual aspirant. Must leave all of their ego or personality desires behind.
Advanced Meditation Secrets: Rules of entry to Ashram or Monastery
This will include the whole multitude of ego desires or addictions on the mental, emotional and physical levels. Sacrifice is necessary within the rules of entry; from an ego point of view. Which is firstly to abstain from all forms of intoxicants. (i.e. alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, all illegal drugs and even prescription mood altering drugs). That will only dull the mind; and hinder receptivity in gaining higher spiritual truth.
Importantly the intention is to become; free of illusion with vibrational education. It is a pathway of learning and applying; the steps of purification. If you seek to achieve spiritual advancement; then you will need to make an investment in your future. By opening yourself to receive and to abstain from energy lowering choices.
Certainly you will need to avoid the pitfalls of adopting a self protective psychology!! As there is no such thing as self protection. When you are seeking to expand your capabilities. In becoming a more balanced human being. Our only protection is discrimination.
How to Meditate for Advanced Meditation Secrets
Above all you will learn about Insight meditation; which is a focused to a point dissolving meditation technique. That begins with the Anapana technique or beginner meditation. However after a certain level of sensitivity and discipline. You will achieve a clear mental process.. As a Consequent with the insight meditating enlightenment technique. Which is a complete systematic body scan; of your whole physical body with your awareness.
What starts as a humble beginning with feeling a few sparks with Anapana practice. Becomes a complete flood of energy with insight meditation enlightenment. That you will achieve with advanced deep meditation stage of ability. In this way you will discover by your own direct experience. All the advanced meditation secrets at the Ashram while practicing meditation to gain enlightenment.
Meditate Continuously
Learn how to meditate continuously to fast track your journey to achieve meditation maturity.
Monastery or Ashram
You are your attitudes
Therefore in this way you may accelerate your spiritual evolution by visiting an Ashram. Thereby opening yourself up to receive direct guidance; on how to observe and learn about yourself. Importantly reactive behavior has its basis in ego reaction; while responding behavior has its basis in soul responsiveness. In conclusion choice determines fate.
Ego Reaction Test
At the Ashram or monastery learn about the ego reaction test. Which provides a determination; for the level of reaction of the ego or the responsiveness of soul. It is a challenge question or statement. That you can present to any given individual. Which has the intention to ascertain the level of ego present; within the given individual under test. The challenge statement can be about anything. If the statement is true and the ego reacts with a “I do not like”. This indicates an ego focused individual; who has failed the test.
However when the person under test responds with a “why” question this indicates a soul response. Because why invokes soul light to answer it correctly. The person under test has revealed. That they will face all the available information on the challenge topic. Additionally the person under test may laugh; because the challenge statement is simply in fact incorrect. However it is probably a good idea to keep in mind. Under the guidelines of the ego reaction test. That the ego takes very seriously true information; that weakens its power over the entity.
Advanced Meditation Secrets: Example of Failed Ego Reaction Test
For example when the meditation teacher says to a querent. “You only have the ability to meditate on a surface level”. Which in effect is an ego reaction test. Consequently the querent chooses to answer the statement with a “I do not like your suggestion. That your meditation is better than mine”. This is an indication for an ego reaction. However in the event that the querent answers with; “why do you say that?” Which is a why question. That requires illumination with additional information to answer it correctly. This represents a soul response.
Appropriately the meditation teacher will provide the evidence for his observation . As a consequence the querent will learn something about their self. However in some cases the meditation teacher; will learn something about his self. In the event that the querent brings greater soul light; into this particular discussion. We all need to be open; to whatever the available correct evidence reveals in ourselves.
Advanced Meditation Secrets
Ashram or Monastery Learn Three stages of Self Observation
True change starts with the person you see in the mirror. Now perhaps we may all consider; why the master and slave relationship is the pathway of the unconscious? By comparison a conscious relationship is based; upon equality, non domination and love. Therefore the only way to move from unconscious to conscious; is through developing the capability of holistic self observation. Interestingly there are three stages of self observation ability.
Stage one self observation
When the querent first begins a serious journey upon the spiritual path; it becomes very clear. That self observation is an essential requirement for achieving progress. “At every turn in the road a man must turn and face himself” is a quote by Rani Lash. This statement reflects that all inner work for consciousness starts with self-observation.
So in the beginning when practicing self observation for the first time. In most cases the spiritual aspirant can only see; what the ego allows you to see. This is because the pull of the ego is to strong with emotional distortion. Only allowing you to see a pale shadow of the truth. In other words this is demonstrating having blind spots.
Stage two self observation
This stage is also demonstrates ego distortion self observation. However there is the addition of psychic flashes with psychological insights. Which may occur during periods of intense emotional trauma. Often this stage represents the transition from ego into soul control of the entity.
When the pull of the ego and the soul is roughly 50%/50%. This is the crisis of decision. At this stage a spiritual aspirant may eventually revert back to ego domination. Or push through to become a soul dominated entity. Once the soul is firmly in control there is no possibility any more. To revert back to an ego orientation of being.
Stage three self observation
Only in the case where an entity is firmly in control by soul. Cn the practice of self observation be free of distortion. In this way you have the ability to consistently see; the whole truth about yourself. Soul softens and illuminates the higher mental level; which is the first impact of soul. It is totally and absolutely essential. That every spiritual aspirant be aware of their own particular stage of self observation capability!
Brother Bert Video Three Stages of Self Observation
Brother Bert dialog for Three stages of Self Observation video
Greetings Brother Bert once more draws close I would like to talk about the three stages of self-observation. When a person first decides to become a conscious human being. There is the necessity to practice. What is called self-observation. Which means you put an aspect of yourself outside yourself self-observing. And it needs to be a facility that’s 24/7. And you monitor your progress.
The first stage of self-observation is to look at yourself. But only see what the ego allows you to see. Which means that there’s ego distortion in your perceptions. And you need to acknowledge this. That you can’t see everything that’s there. And then the second stage is the ability. Is the same you’re self-observing with ego distortion. But during periods of emotional intensity in particular. But more easily with inside meditation practice. You can gain psychic insights. Which is to see yourself in a wider context. To what you did before. And that’s very valuable. Because that enables you to see aspects of your lower personality nature.
And the third stage which can only be achieved. When the soul energy flow is very strong. And when you self-observe at this stage. You can see the truth about yourself most of the time. So you can self-correct instantly in present time. Okay I wish you all the best.
Advanced Meditation Secrets: Ashram or Monastery Learn Spiritual Science
Spiritual Evolution is black and white
As spiritual evolution follows the laws of physics or mathematics; it is by definition a black and white subject. Which is the whole reason why the study of spirituality. Or pure science of man is spiritual science. The ego or personality is black while the soul is white.
Just about all of average humanity is a blend of black and white. Which means that they function within the grey scale. Which suits the ego just fine because it can always operate within the shadows. Doing its villainy of creating the illusion of separation. Dark grey is more ego or black while light grey is more soul light or white.
Every individual who is functioning within the grey scale at the time of death. Which is the transition to the fourth dimension or spirit world. Will experience a pull back into a future incarnation.
Ego addictions create resistance
Ego influence is one of resistance, contraction and reactivity due to the various addictions. Which pulls the overall energy lower on the frequency scale. While however the soul is universal, resilient, non reactive and responsive, which pulls the energy higher on the frequency scale. Every human being is the sum total of all their choices! In common language this is the spiritual status or energy resistance balance of the entity.
It is only by being 100% soul; while the ego only exists as an instrument of soul. That any individual will achieve the frequency threshold; required to escape the illusion with enlightenment. An Ashram meditation enlightenment is the defined location, to study the subject of spiritual science.
Demeanor reflects Ego and Soul balance
Natural demeanor of the ego is aggression; with its associated confrontational, quarrelsome and argumentative attitude. While the soul demeanor is one of being non aggressive; with its associated friendly, pacifist and meek attitude. Significantly the overall demeanor for any individual. Will be in demonstration in association with the ego and soul balance.
In summary this will mean more correct and efficient practice of meditation. Which will consequently lead to stronger flows of energy from the over soul. That will lead to greater expression of the soul qualities of gentleness and kindness. In summary the real power in life is in the gentleness and kindness.
Advanced Meditation Secrets: Ghosting
We can mention. That by making the choice to ghost another. Which is in choosing to behave as if another person does not exist. Represents the ultimate in aggressive behavior or ego consciousness. Significantly we all need to recognize. That the only person you are harming with the ghosting process. Is the person who is doing it.
This action of putting up psychic barriers. Represents a complete block on spiritual evolution because this is a shutting out completely. Of your own soul light to illuminate the lower personality level. In summary when we love our brother we are loving another aspect of our own self. Which in other words is the ultimate in soul consciousness and spiritual love.
Ashram Meditation Enlightenment Insight Meditation Chosen Ones
As we make greater purification choices in our life. While avoiding the energy lowering choices of personality desires. Then we will attract the attention of the spiritual hierarchy, who will come closer like moths to a flame. Therefore in this way we become the chosen ones. Who will become the pathway upon which others may walk on the earth plane of existence. Above all anyone who the guides choose. Will need to be open to scrutiny. Which by definition means that they will answer any question to the deepest level honestly.
Perhaps in some cases you will ask a counter question. Before fully answering a question. To clarify the level of the original question. When asking any question there is a need to be responsible to face the answer. Certainly the most illuminating answers will usually be very uncomfortable for the ego. As spiritual evolution is a conscious selection; against your own ego in preference for the soul.
Therefore why not make the choice to enter your local Ashram or monastery. To become one of the chosen ones with Ashram meditation enlightenment?
Monastery Advanced Meditation Secrets: Life Choice is Circus or Ashram
Significant eternal life choice before every human being is either to enter the circus or the Ashram Monastery. Which represents a choice on an inner level, of either travelling in a circle or straight up. In other words this is to say follow and pursue the personality desires of the ego. Or to walk in the illumination of soul light changing energy state. However whichever path prefer the ego or the soul. In conclusion there will be its inevitable 100% repeatable physics consequences.
Life in the circus with its complete lack of discipline and many fine performances can be so much fun. However unfortunately when the illusion ends as it always does. Then there will be the pain and suffering experience, of facing the natural consequences. While functioning on this level with very little soul illumination. There is usually the gabbing of another illusion; to replace the old one that has just come to an end. Round and round and round we go like a squirrel in cage. Endless cycles or rounds of emotional circles leading nowhere.
Grief Experience Opens Crown Chakra
Sometimes there is a greater than usual painful experience when the illusion ends. Leading to a severe grief experience, which opens up the crown chakra. That allows greater influxes of soul light to illuminate the mind. In this way we can see that pain and suffering experience; is our greatest blessing when viewed correctly. By default even during circus life; there is some straight up path. Importantly this is the way it is for most of average humanity.
Monastery or Ashram Pratice Insight Meditation Enlightenment
Advanced Meditation Secrets: Path of Discipline
After a few psychic insights the affected individual. May choose to get really serious about their spiritual development. To make the firm commitment to enter the Ashram all together, to become an initiate. With the motivation to leave behind the endless cycles of illusion; with pain and suffering experience for ever. By comparison life in the Ashram is a complete and total discipline. Therefore it is with very good reason. That the path of discipline is the only way to achieve real complete freedom.
Spiritual growth does not need to be painful. However in most cases it is because the ego resists. So now we may consider the one approach, of achieving spiritual growth made easy and relatively pain free. Which is insight meditation practice. The conscious process of increasing or invoking; the stronger currents of energy from the over soul. In order to dissolve the resistance of ego. Psychic insights form the whole basis for the name “insight” for this meditating technique.
In conclusion whatever path Circus or Ashram meditation enlightenment you prefer. Just be aware of the structure; that you have decided to function within with its natural consequences.
Monastery Advanced Meditation Secrets: Three stages of Meditation ability
On the pathway to enlightenment there are three stages of meditation ability; which are surface, deep and escape. Which you can learn about in far greater detail on the enlightenment page. Energy Healing Centre is an Ashram located in Redcliffe, Queensland Australia. In summary if you seek to find out how life works. It is simply a case of Monastery or Ashram insight meditation enlightenment. By applying the advanced meditating secrets available on this website you may also escape the illusion.
Nimbus of energy around the head is the halo. Lotus flower is the Buddhist symbol of purity. Above all because it is an object of such beauty. That is able to live upon the surface of a swamp.
Ashram or Monastery Learn the Four Disciplines of Life
First and easiest discipline to implement is the physical or nutritional discipline. Which means to only consume natural and wholesome nutritious products. This has a natural aspect or bent to it. Which means to avoid refined and processed foods in all its forms. Significantly we are talking specifically about all tinned and dry processed foods. That are subject to very high cooking temperatures. This is the concept of eating living foods, which are higher in energy value. While avoiding dead foods, which are much lower in energy value.
Specifically and more seriously this will also mean avoiding. All forms of drugs and intoxicants such as alcohol, pot, nicotine and all forms of mood altering drugs etc. Second discipline is the emotional discipline; which has its basis in accepting 100% responsibility for how you feel. Therefore only when we accept full responsibility for anything.
Do we have the power to do anything creative about it. Undeniably this will mean to love unconditionally. To do this successfully requires a demonstration and clear understanding for the concept of firm assertive behaviour. Unquestionably to love unconditionally in practice; does not mean to allow yourself to become a door mat.
Mental Discipline Insight Meditation Secrets Enlightened
Third discipline is the mental discipline. Which consequently means to see your brother as another aspect of yourself. This is to move away from duality into unity consciousness. And the only way to be completely successful with the mental discipline. Is for the mind to become an instrument of soul. And not a power unto itself as in the example of ego directed intelligence. The easiest and fastest way to achieve this ability; is with disciplined insight meditation practice.
Fourth discipline is the spiritual discipline which is the hardest of all the disciplines to implement completely successfully. It is our failure to practice the spiritual discipline correctly; that will lead to inevitable karmic consequences. Which means endless re-incarnations. Until we get it right. First spiritual law is the law of free will. By impelling others has no karmic consequences. In comparison this is rather than compelling others; which certainly has very significant karmic consequences.
It is essential to understand that to control the lower levels correctly. Requires the beneficial nurturing influence from the higher levels; to achieve insight meditation higher consciousness. Which is a case of accessing the full power of the oversoul directly. Why not start your serious spiritual journey to gain meditation enlightenment. By entering the Ashram or monastery today and see for yourself?