Site Map of all Links to Meditation Secrets Website

Portala Place greater meditation maturity reflected in greater & deeper sense of peace. Anyone can confirm Meditation observations. Who takes same steps
Portala Place greater meditation maturity reflected in greater & deeper sense of peace. Anyone can confirm Meditation observations. Who takes same steps

Site map contains all the links to the meditation secrets website. Therefore assuredly spiritual aspirants; will find their search for nirvanic peace so much easier.

Wheel of rebirth

Wheel of rebirth or reincarnation explains how consciousness is a continuing experience. Through various physical bodies or incarnations on the earth plane. Unfortunately it is our ego functioning independently of soul; that keeps us in the wheel of rebirth. Therefore if you seek to escape illusion? Appropriately then you will need to make the choice. To enable your ego to become an instrument of soul.

Spinal alignment corrected

Therefore this creates movement in our body; from an old psychic rigid spring-loaded unbalanced pattern. Similarly it is the building; of a newer better straighter more flexible spinal alignment pattern. Above all every serious meditator with maturity of practice. In conclusion will find the same result; which is an improved body conformation. Above all due to increased soul energy flow; that arises with Insight meditation practice.

Anyone who achieves same meditation ability or maturity as Buddha. Will gain ability to give same discourses Buddha used to give. Site map meditation secrets.
Anyone who achieves same meditation ability or maturity as Buddha. Will gain ability to give same discourses Buddha used to give. Site map meditation secrets.

Definition insight meditation

Insight meditation is the conscious process of increasing energy from the Oversoul. In other words it facilitates the movement, from the ego [personality] contracted state into the expansion of soul. In summary enlightenment is a natural progression. Created with continual meditation practice. Over all this process is exactly the same for every individual in incarnation.

Especially relevant is that the experiential process. Is different and unique for each particular meditator. Furthermore this is because the resistance pattern within each individual is different. As a result of the ego’s being different; then so too when the increased soul flow energy impacts. It will create a different dissolving experiential process. Beginning with the study of spiritual science correctly. Accordingly you will increase your energy state or spiritual awareness.

Enlightenment Path: You need to Act upon Discussion

Discussion is only useful in the aspect of providing an idea. That the querent needs to act upon. Who will take their first steps of moving out of the glamour of illusion or the dream into reality? What you require is the strength and motivation. Above all to face the truth. Of what is within without fear or distortion by emotion.

Especially noteworthy is that the ego likes to keep the entity entrapped in illusion. Perpetrating and maintaining its position of power. Rather than seeing the truth of the divine spark of divinity within. Perception barrier is only a mirage. To move through.

Secondary consequence of increasing energy to dissolve resistance. Is to gain the ability to see clearly. Which is firstly in yourself and then in everyone else around you. Usually this is clairvoyant sight or vision. Therefore it is simply the gaining of ability; to see in a wider spectrum of energies. In other words this is opening of the third eye.

A spiritual aspirant is seeking guidance from the Buddha. Enlightenment path has three stages of meditation maturity or achievement to become enlightened.
A spiritual aspirant is seeking guidance from the Buddha. Enlightenment path has three stages of meditation maturity or achievement to become enlightened.

Enlightenment three stages Meditation Energy State

All serious esoteric students would be wise to read and study. Every healing and meditation article contained on this website. Until a holistic picture forms within the mind. If you seek to walk upon the enlightenment path. After you achieve this point. Importantly you will no longer need any more theory. Therefore all that you need to do now is implement the steps of purification to see for yourself. In summary to achieve the wisdom of you own direct experience.

Our focus of perception may remain on the surface levels with discussion. Perpetuating endless cycles of contraction consequences with pain and suffering experience. Demonstrating the passion elimination symptoms, with their associated reactive aggressive behaviors. Perhaps we may choose to move onto a little bit deeper level by stopping the discussion. Stimulated into action on an energy level; with serious enlightenment meditation practice.

Hence with increased energy through our being. We will move on an inner level into expansion with its natural consequences. Especially relevant is the demonstration of compassion qualities; with their associated responsive non aggressive behaviors.

Redcliffe Spiritual Development Meditation Group

Redcliffe Spiritual Development Meditation Group meetup is available. To anyone who seeks to obtain direct personal supervision and instruction: 

Site Map Meditation secrets

Importantly achieve significant meditation ability with spiritual development? By studying in particular the article insight meditation summary. However this is in addition to all the posts; in the categories of Meditation, Insight Meditation and Enlightenment. Above all be aware and learn all about the meditation trick and symptoms of meditation. Be sure to see the Youtube video on common meditation.


Posts by category



Video Sitemap

Link to Brother Bert Video Channel

Link to Video on Community Service

Video on How to Escape the Illusion

Link to Video on Anapana Meditation

Link to Video on Insight Meditation Technique

Video on Structural changes with Insight Meditation Practice

Link to Video: All Humanity Needs to Develop Common Meditation Ability

Link to Video: Self Protective Psychology

Here is a Link: Three Stages of Self Observation Ability

Link to Video on Electrical Basis of Meditation

Link to Video on the Aura

Video on Explaining Symptoms of Meditation

Video Brother Bert Explaining Tantra

Link to Video: Introduction to Insight Meditation

Arcane School Site Map

However if you would like to study at an esoteric training school. My recommendation would be the Arcane school.

Here is a link to Self Growth Com a self development website.

Energy Healing Centre Ashram Brother Bert

Site Map Meditation Secrets

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