Putting Theory into Practice By Spirit Guide Lai Yung

Insight meditation higher consciousness is a dissolving process. Inducing increased energy from over soul; reducing resistance to speed up spiritual evolution

Discourse By Lai Yung Master of Happiness Spirit guide Peacock Group Spiritual Brotherhood Greetings, beloved ones, greetings. Putting theory into practice Lai Yung, Master of Happiness, once more draws close; that we may commune a little while. How much wisdom we have heard today, how much wisdom. You have almost over-run your time, have you …

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Insight Meditation Summary is How to Manual for Enlightenment

Meditation secrets can only be discovered with meditating practice. Best way to start is by joining a group and be held in the droup aura.

How to Meditate for Advanced Meditation Secrets Ashram Insight meditation summary guide is a complete record of all the essential features. Which the newly meditating practitioner needs to know and understand beforehand. When you meditate for the first time. It is easier to gain a solid start by participating within a group. This expert insight …

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Meditation Spinal Alignment Self Spiritual Energy Healing

Buddha achieved meditation spinal alignment correction meditating under Bodhi tree. Anyone who implements same meditating techniques will achieve same results.

Increased flow of energy from the oversoul; which will position spinal column progressively into its straightened correct alignment. Naturally this will improve health and function of your physical body. Three stages of meditation maturity surface, deep and escape will reflect the level of results that are achieved. One ten-day meditation course correctly practiced will enable you to make a significant improvement in your stage of progression or ability.

Choice Determines Fate on the Path of Spiritual Evolution

Ashram or Monastery learn about insight meditation enlightenment. Self observation is pathway of complete transformation with escape from reincarnation.

When any person first steps upon the spiritual path, it needs to be fully accepted; that everything begins with taking 100% responsibility for the whole pattern of your life. In practice this will mean being responsible for your emotions or how you feel as well. From this aspect onwards all the possibilities in life will arise.

Mountain of Awareness Peak Achievement is Enlightenment

Symbolic mountain of awareness reveals the true summit of enlightenment. Which can only be achieved with disciplined insight meditation 100% focus of Oversoul

Stupa is a symbolic representation for the level of awareness of humanity. It is in just the same way as the mountain of awareness presentation. As a member of humanity become more spiritually evolved. He will become less dense with a finner vibration. Accordingly then his level of awareness or consciousness will rise. Lower humanity is at the bottom. Middle section is for average humanity. Top section is for higher man; who eventually become lost to the material world as a fully dissolved being.

Insight Meditation is a dissolving process; which promotes or invokes the increased flow of energy from the Oversoul. It is an awareness focused to a point meditation technique. Which is the only way; to bring the full power of the Oversoul. Into your brain consciousness or being on the earth plane; in order to fully dissolve the resistance of ego. Learning the meditation technique is simple and easy. However the discipline of practice requires a little more effort.