Self Protective Psychology

Ashram or Monastery learn about insight meditation enlightenment. Self observation is pathway of complete transformation with escape from reincarnation.

Brother Bert Video Presentation on Self Protective Psychology Emotional Basis for Self Protective Psychology is Fear There are two choices in our fundamental attitude or approach to life. Which is to be open and vulnerable or closed and protected. When choosing the self protected approach. This will mean to live a self protective psychology pattern. …

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Ashram Meditation Secrets To Achieve Enlightenment

Ashram or Monastery learn about insight meditation enlightenment. Self observation is pathway of complete transformation with escape from reincarnation.

Rules of entry to Ashram is sacrifice of ego desires or motivations. Which is firstly to abstain from all forms of intoxicants (i.e. alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, all illegal drugs and even prescription mood altering drugs); that will only dull the mind and hinder receptivity in gaining spiritual truth. Importantly the intention is to become; free of illusion with vibrational education. It is a pathway of learning and applying; the steps of purification or Ashram meditation enlightenment. If you seek to achieve spiritual advancement; then you will need to make an investment in your future. By opening yourself to receive and to abstain from energy lowering choices.

Spiritual Path For A Successful Future To Escape the Illusion

Spiritual path with serious meditation practice from an early age; will prevent ego contraction consequences of health problems and structural deformities.

Every individual has the choice to hide behind a facade; which maintains the power of the ego living a life in the pattern of illusion. Or walk the spiritual path and face what their own soul light would reveal; to eventually become enlightened. Spiritual path information presents the same choice; which is before us all.
Young people who find spiritual path early in life may discover that serious meditation is easier to implement with far better results. Consequently serious meditation practice from an early age will prevent many health problems and structural deformities before they would normally occur later in life.

Correct Quality Communication is the Basis for Harmony

Correct quality communication is seeing the truth about yourself as well as recognizing the platform or level the other person functions on.

The whole basis of correct quality communication with another person is founded upon the ability; of being able to see and understand the whole truth about yourself in the first place. Next it is necessary to be able to see and understand the level or platform; upon which the other person functions on. In addition it is also absolutely necessary to understand the language or words used; and their interpretative meanings for the person who is speaking with you. For example a common error is to place meanings upon words; that do not comply with the meanings that the other person speaking to us has applied to them.