Self Protective Psychology

Ashram or Monastery learn about insight meditation enlightenment. Self observation is pathway of complete transformation with escape from reincarnation.

Brother Bert Video Presentation on Self Protective Psychology Emotional Basis for Self Protective Psychology is Fear There are two choices in our fundamental attitude or approach to life. Which is to be open and vulnerable or closed and protected. When choosing the self protected approach. This will mean to live a self protective psychology pattern. …

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Psychic Barriers Imprison Psychic Insights With Freedom From Illusion

Group meditation at an insight meditation centre. With meditating people within the aura field of each other is the easiest way to start serious meditation.

Unfortunately psychological or psychic barriers do not protect but imprison. Which explains why relationships that are framed within barriers of protection; are all doomed for failure. Changing your life partner is not a solution; because you take your barriers with you. Thereby creating the same unbalanced pattern, with another person with the same consequences. Person who puts up the barriers in the first place; is the only one who can take them down.

Who seeks to Escape Illusion Spiritual Energy Healing?

Escape illusion with simple spiritual energy healing. Psychic insights with insight meditation practice. Avoid path of suicide that delays spiritual evolution.

Suicide is not only an illusion of escape; it will also delay your spiritual evolution. Message for all who choose to act only as individuals; because they know everything. Perhaps in some cases there may be thoughts of suicide; which is a natural consequence for the isolationist approach. Choosing this path is such a very unwise life choice. Furthermore the following presentation is a clear and complete explanation; for the only valid or wholesome way to escape illusion.

Remove Personality Psychic Barriers to Be Spiritual Initiate

Psychic barriers imprison results in aura resistance; which slows down energy with distortion of perception. Removal of psyche barriers enables psychic insights

Since the origins of time the eternal choice for everyone; who finds himself in incarnation. Is either to enjoy the illusion of what you see outside yourself; which is a personality focus. Or face the truth within the self; which is a soul focus? It is all a question of which manifestation energy state that you wish to create. Perhaps we may consider the choice between the atheist or the initiate?

Correct Quality Communication is the Basis for Harmony

Correct quality communication is seeing the truth about yourself as well as recognizing the platform or level the other person functions on.

The whole basis of correct quality communication with another person is founded upon the ability; of being able to see and understand the whole truth about yourself in the first place. Next it is necessary to be able to see and understand the level or platform; upon which the other person functions on. In addition it is also absolutely necessary to understand the language or words used; and their interpretative meanings for the person who is speaking with you. For example a common error is to place meanings upon words; that do not comply with the meanings that the other person speaking to us has applied to them.

Personality Emotional Focus Creates Separation Consciousness

Humility is pathway of becoming completely free of psychic barriers. Which is completely opposite to the ghosting approach an apsect of duality consciousness.

Importantly the focus of the personality; is to view energy. In terms of how it impacts emotionally in particular. In common words this is called emotional sentimentality. Which means that the ego or personality; has an attached emotional level focus. Therefore the natural result of this approach is to chase; after what you like and find appealing. Conversely what you dislike or find unappealing; you then attack or run away from. Above all it is only the detached mental level focus. That will provide holistic solutions with serious spiritual development.