Fear and Love Discourse By Spirit Guide Rani Lash

Fear and Love discourse by Rani Lash. Necessity of change: Spirit guides over see the spiritual evolution of humanity.

Discourse by Rani Lash Keeper of the Gateway of Power Spirit guide Peacock Group Spiritual Brotherhood Fear & Love Guidance for Spiritual Aspirants Fear and love: Greetings beloved ones, greetings. Rani Lash once more draws close and we hope that tonight we may once again see commune; and that we may find within ourselves a …

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Remove Personality Psychic Barriers to Be Spiritual Initiate

Psychic barriers imprison results in aura resistance; which slows down energy with distortion of perception. Removal of psyche barriers enables psychic insights

Since the origins of time the eternal choice for everyone; who finds himself in incarnation. Is either to enjoy the illusion of what you see outside yourself; which is a personality focus. Or face the truth within the self; which is a soul focus? It is all a question of which manifestation energy state that you wish to create. Perhaps we may consider the choice between the atheist or the initiate?

Light on the Path Love Transcending Fear

Meditation induces the increased flow of energy from the over soul. Ultimately this will lead to release from reincarnation.

Light on the path of love enables correct discrimination between emotional sentimentality and spiritual love. Enlightened meditation is a conscious process of increasing soul energy flow. Energy follows thought to achieve energy state of enlightenment or nirvana. Light Path of Love Correct discrimination between emotional sentimentality and love is essential for a successful life. Since …

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