Man Creator & Destroyer Discourse By Spirit Guide Lai Yung

Large monastery on hill: Walk spiritual path early will make meditation far easier. Prevent many health problems. How to meditate anapana meditation technique.

Peacock Group Spiritual Development Discourse by Lai Yung INSIGHT INTO THE NEW GENERATIONAND NEW ASPECTS OF OLD SPIRITUAL LAWS. Man Creator and Destroyer: Greetings, beloved ones. Lai Yung greets you this night, and in the peace of love and understanding may you dwell. Lai Yung draws close once more, that the beloved ones who sit …

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Evolution of Consciousness Discourse By Spirit Guide Lai Yung

Insight meditation summary is a complete record pathway to become a spiritual master. When meditating for first time it is easier to participate within a group.

Peacock Group Spiritual Development Brotherhood Evolution of consciousness: Greetings, brothers, greetings. Lai Yung once more draws close, that in the peace of understanding we may unite. That we may find in this group tonight; and the synthesis with which it is surrounded; an augmentation of that inner light which will allow for expansion and will …

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Meaning of Words by Spirit Guide Master Lai Yung

Evolution of consciousness by Lai Yung: Any meditator may follow the same pathway to enlightenment; as the Buddha achieved.

Word of Meaning Discourse by Lai Yung “Master of Happiness” Spirit Guide Peacock Spiritual Development Brotherhood Greetings beloved ones, Greetings. Lai Yung, Master of Happiness, once more draws close; that in the peace of understanding we may unite once again. It is indeed a little while since we contacted each other; for most of the …

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Putting Theory into Practice By Spirit Guide Lai Yung

Insight meditation higher consciousness is a dissolving process. Inducing increased energy from over soul; reducing resistance to speed up spiritual evolution

Discourse By Lai Yung Master of Happiness Spirit guide Peacock Group Spiritual Brotherhood Greetings, beloved ones, greetings. Putting theory into practice Lai Yung, Master of Happiness, once more draws close; that we may commune a little while. How much wisdom we have heard today, how much wisdom. You have almost over-run your time, have you …

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Peacock Group Brotherhood has a Spiritual Development Focus

Peacock group brotherhood is a spiritual development group, which is open to anyone who feels the motivation to become a member.

“There is no path other than the path which you weave for yourselves. You create your own light, you create your own pattern, you create the stepping stones for your feet, and you create the mud holes in which you so often flounder.” This is an extract from the discourse “the meaning of words” by Lai Yung.
Who is interested in growing spiritually or spiritual development? Well in that case you will need to study diligently the esoteric knowledge; contained within the Peacock group spiritual brotherhood discourses, which begins with an understanding of basic terminology.