Remove Personality Psychic Barriers to Be Spiritual Initiate

Choice is Ego Personality Illusion or Soul Consciousness realizing Truth

Since the origins of time the eternal choice for everyone, who finds himself in incarnation. Is to enjoy the ego created illusion of what you see outside yourself, which is a personality focus. Or face the truth within the self; which is a soul focus? It is all a question of which manifestation energy state that you wish to create. Perhaps we may consider the choice between the atheist or the spiritual initiate? This is an evolutionary process of removing psychic barriers from your being.

Psychic barriers imprison results in aura resistance; which slows down energy with distortion of perception. Removal of psyche barriers enables psychic insights
Psychic barriers imprison results in aura resistance; which slows down energy with distortion of perception. Removal of psyche barriers enables psychic insights

Therefore every relationship breakup presents a choice with an opportunity. Which is to either grab another partner without reflection; as quickly as possible to continue the illusion. Or perhaps to face the truth within the self. To see how you have created the former unbalanced relationship; from your point of view in the first place.

Illusion of atheist or truth of Spiritual Initiate

It is completely irrelevant how many times that you experience relationship breakup. It is the presentation of the same choice. Which is to continue with the illusion or to face the truth. It is only by facing the truth within. That will ever set you free from the wheel of rebirth. How many relationships during how many incarnations will you experience. Before you give up and sit still to face the truth?

So then how does the ego keep the entity so enthralled in illusion? In other words, it is to experience, the illusion of the atheist or the truth of the initiate. Personality creates psychic barriers of protection, which form a psychic bubble of imprisonment. So here is a timeless message for all those people. Who think that simply by changing the faces that they look at changes anything at all?

Universal Relationship Commitment

Needs to be for every individual to practice continuous self observation. In order to facilitate the facing of the truth within oneself. Anything less will lead to relationship failure. As the limitations within the self not faced. Accordingly, you will be project onto another by default. In particular anyone contemplating and committing to marriage; would be wise to incorporate this clause into their wedding vows. If they are very wise? Why choose to be an atheist when you can be an initiate instead.

Psychic barriers created by Ego or Personality Manifestation

Personality psychic barriers illusion of separation means that every man with a separation or duality consciousness. Is in effect carrying a heavy cage around himself. This is the net results of choosing to adopt the psychic barriers of protection pattern. It is in effect a psychic bubble. In which he is in prison. Meets a free or soul man. Who does not have any uncontrolled egotistical aspects. He is free from any burden or distortion of perception. Free man will say to the personality man here is the key of release. That will set you free from your prison.

To which the self focused man, will then say to the free man “do not tell me what to do”. He then goes merrily on his way continuing to carry his burden. Which is in effect a failure to connect in his consciousness as a unity. The duality of what he thinks he is doing with what he is actually doing. He is so in love with his own ego as it gives him a sense of purpose in life. Even though this path is also the one of pain and suffering experience. This of course is all total illusion. So, what is the moral of this story?

Every unconscious individual needs to first become aware that they are in fact living within a prison. Which is the natural consequence of living a self protective psychology pattern. And then seek to find the key of release to escape. After you reach this point. Then the rest becomes easy.

Here is a video on self protective psychology.

Ego psychic barriers illusion of separation. Results in a fool only functioning as a personality being ignorant of spiritual laws. Choice is atheist or initiate
Ego psychic barriers illusion of separation. Results in a fool only functioning as a personality being ignorant of spiritual laws. Choice is atheist or initiate

Remove Psychic Barriers for a Wholesome Relationship

Remove Personality Psychic Barriers Illusion of Separation for Wholesome Relationship. It is only the complete removal of all psychic-barriers. That will allow you to form a complete wholesome relationship with yourself. Accordingly, then also with anyone else from your perspective. Obviously, this does not necessarily mean that others will have a wholesome peaceful relationship with you!

While the person in question sees another person outside their own self as the problem. Rather than accepting responsibility in their own self in the first place. Well, you will never ever solve the problem this way. It is only ever about you and never about anyone else. Which is very sad but true. This pattern is the energy state of being emotionally immature. All because you blame others for how you feel. Instead of accepting responsibility for your own emotions in the first place.

It is only the person who first puts up the psychic-barriers who can take them down again. Universally to everyone rather than specifically to any particular individual.  While an individual remains blocked in their soul all psychological barriers will remain in place. Only soul light provides the capability to illuminate the mind. Thereby facilitating psychic insights; which is absolutely essential in gaining the ability to live a conscious life.

Spiritual Initiate love Soul Manifestation

Emotional sentimentality has its origins from the ego, which is to give loving emotions with a conditional aspect. When you do what I like then I will love you. However if you do not do what I like then unfortunately I will not love you anymore. Spiritual love has its origins from the soul. Which is to give loving emotions; that are totally unconditional in nature. You may do as you choose in free will and I will love you anyway. Its nature is totally and completely unconditional.

An important aspect of soul love. Is giving the influence that you need. Unfortunately, it is not always what you would like. To enable an evolution from personality consciousness into soul consciousness, which is to become totally free. From the spiritual point of view, it is not important, who you are in relationship with. Only that you face the truth about yourself with whomever you are with. In this way you will evolve spiritually under any conditions. Thereby avoiding the problems created with the ego psychic barriers illusion of separation pattern of behaviour.

Source and solution is within the self

We all as individuals need to work it out for ourselves. No one can do it for us. Relationship trauma with emotional suffering is our greatest blessing; because this provides the crisis of opportunity. Which is a sudden influx of soul light a psychic insight. That enables the seeing of life in a wider context. When we all finally come to recognise. That the source and solution to every problem is within the self. There is no other solution.

Perhaps we may all wonder what is the key of release? Insight meditation taken from its humble beginning with Anapana practice; taken to its final conclusion with enlightenment? Perhaps you may wish to enter an Ashram, monastery or meditation center; to learn about spiritual science and serious meditation? Perhaps we may all ponder the eternal choice between atheist and initiate?

Manifestation is Conscious Easy way or hard way by default

In life we all have the eternal choice to learn life’s lessons. The easy way or the hard way by default. Easy way is to study and apply the timeless ancient wisdom in the first place. Hard way is to ignore it; and then suffer the completely inevitable consequences of pain and suffering experience. This in turn will provide the crisis of opportunity a psychic insight. Which in effect is a second opportunity to face. What you previously overlooked.

In the event where you choose to ignore the crisis of opportunity psychic insight. Well then for you. You repeat this pattern all over again. You will repeat it for all eternity if necessary. Which is from one lifetime until the next endlessly. Perhaps we may all ask what will your personality allow you to do?

Personality resists the removal of psychic-barriers to preserve illusion. Choice is atheist separation consciousness or divine guidance initiate manifestation.
Personality resists the removal of psychic-barriers to preserve illusion. Choice is atheist separation consciousness or divine guidance initiate manifestation.

Ego psychic barriers Illusion of Separation

Energy follows thought is a very old esoteric expression. Which has well and truly stood the test of time clearly establishing its validity. Therefore it becomes crystal clear that manifestation happens; on the level determined by your focus of perception. Which in broad terms means that this will occur on either an outer or inner level. Depending upon the focus of the reality that we wish to create.

Outer level reality covers all the phenomena of the material or physical plane of existence. Which in other words means an ego or personality material focus. By comparison inner reality is to focus upon our own unique particular psychological state. Which means our own psychic pattern as determined by the level of soul influence upon it. Interestingly this is s spiritual focus. Perhaps it may be very wise to keep in mind! Importantly that it is only our inner level reality energy state. That we take with us. When our incarnation comes to an end. It is far wiser to focus on spiritual values, rather than materialism manifestation.

Atheist or Initiate Manifestation

An atheist by definition is the ignorant state of being. Hence this person will reveal a strong personality focus or ego psychic barriers illusion of separation pattern of expression. Which means that he only has the ability to see on an outer level. This accordingly denies the inner level reality. In this way he is denying half of his own existence. Because this is the ignorant state. By comparison a person who has the ability to see on an inner level. Is an initiate.

Simply because he has passed through various initiations; in order to reach the point where he has gained this ability. Therefore, the atheist energy state is rocks consciousness. While the initiate energy state is symbolically a butterfly consciousness. Which reflects the relative comparison in vibration rates. Between the two extreme states of being.

A conscious person is by definition an individual, who has awareness on both levels at the same time. Which is the dual life of the spiritual warrior. Insight meditation creates inner level awareness. Which is the conscious process of gaining fourth dimensional awareness. While still living within a physical body. Perhaps now we may all give a little more thought. Into contemplating which reality is the wisest manifestation to create?

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After reading and studying this post. You can now regard yourself to be a serious esoteric student. Importantly the next step is to practice serious insight meditation! Which is in order to achieve a lighter vibration of being. That will completely transform the pattern of your life!

Insight Meditation is a dissolving process; which promotes or invokes the increased flow of energy from the Oversoul. It is an awareness focused to a point meditation technique. Which is the only way; to bring the full power of the Oversoul. Into your brain consciousness or being on the earth plane; in order to fully dissolve the resistance of ego. Learning the meditation technique is simple and easy. However the discipline of practice requires a little more effort.